Programs in PHP
- Program to display Text messages.
- Program to print an array.
- Program to print each element of an array using foreach().
- Program to find number of elements in an array.
- Program to sort elements in an array in ascending order.
- Program to sort elements in an array in descending order.
- Program to find the sum of elements in an array.
- Program to find the product of elements in an array.
- Program to split a string as array elements based on delimiter.
- Program to combine the array elements into a string with given delimiter.
- Program to join the array elements into a string.
- Program to merge two arrays into a new array.
- Program to remove the duplicated values from an array.
- Program to Program to create a Simple Calculator.
- Programs to create simple Login and Logout using sessions.
- Program to Upload a file to the Server.
- Program to create a New Database.
- Program to connect to the server and selecting database.
- Program to Insert records to the table in Database.
- Program to fetch records from the table in Database.
- Program to Store a image in Database.
- Program to Read image from Database.
- Program to create a simple Registration form.
- Contact form using PHP.
- A simple CRUD operations using PHP and Mysql.
Father of PHP